If you have found this blog then you are likely also to have visited other websites proclaiming to have the slot cheats or slot tips to break the bank. We have tried out a lot of these tips so that you don’t have to.
The hint: It can take a year to start winning
Wow! Just WOW!!! This is an alleged hint that we have seen on a handful of websites giving out hints, cheats and tips. Here they are advising that it can take a player a year before they are proficient enough at online slots before they start winning.
I’m guessing these websites will be laughing all the way to the bank if you follow their logic as you’ll be losing for a year while they hopefully rake in the commission.
Pick another hobby
If after reading everything on this website you find yourself still losing regularly then it is time to find another hobby, one which is not going to put yourself (and possibly those around you) in potential financial peril. No matter how much you know about the slots and the casinos, where to play, how to play, which strategies to use and which to avoid… winning is still very difficult. If it were easy the casinos would not be in business.